Buildscape aims to transform the local building industry by providing highly-efficient and environmentally friendly building solutions. Our industrialised building systems (IBS) provide economic and environmental benefits to project stakeholders and dwellers alike. As we work towards becoming a full-fledged integrated solutions provider to property developers for unique and sustainable buildings, we are proud to feature Bpanel™ as our first flagship solution.
What is b-panel?
b-panel is a concrete sandwich panel building system, insulated with fire-retardant b-foam® Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) layer. This offers excellent thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics and superior earthquake resistance, as well as other benefits.
Benefits of B-panel®

Superior heat insulation. Reduce heat transfer by more than 10x over brick walls
Energy efficient. Use less energy for air conditioning and heating.
Great sound insulation. Refuge from noisy neighbors and karaoke sessions.

Less material wastage. Cleaner work site.
Complete brick replacement. Suitable for low rise single, double or multi story buildings.
Light weight. Reduce building weight of hybrid high rise projects using conventional columns and beams with Bpanel as infilled walls.

Less material wastage. Cleaner work site.
Complete brick replacement. Suitable for low rise single, double or multi story buildings.
Light weight. Reduce building weight of hybrid high rise projects using conventional columns and beams with Bpanel as infilled walls.
Technical Specifications
Plaster thickness and concrete strength:
- Structural applications: K > 225; 3 cm x 2
- Non-structural / partition applications: K > 150; 2.5 cm x 2
Panel sizes:
- Modular cutting list (panels delivered cut to size and shape according to your drawings)
- Can be ordered in typical modules 1.2 x 3.0m or 1.2 x 6.0m
- Galvanized or regular wire.
- Connectors: galvanized
- Diameter 3 mm, or special order
- Wire spacing: 8 x 15 cm
- Wire quality: U-50 (U-40 minimum for larger diameter)
b-foam® Expanded Polystyrene (EPS):
- Fire-Retardant (FR)
- Density: 12 kg/m3